Student Mentoring
The fifth year biomedical engineering students have their final year project presentations coming up soon. Matt and I are going… read more
The fifth year biomedical engineering students have their final year project presentations coming up soon. Matt and I are going… read more
Matt and I finally started taking inventory today (May 28th). We started in the ICU partly because the ICU has… read more
The Sunday after we arrived in Jimma, Matt and I decided to wander around the university campus. We wanted to… read more
Matt and I are spending most of our time in Jimma. So after spending a lovely week in Addis we… read more
Matt and I visited two of the biggest hospitals in Addis, Black Lion and St Paul. While visiting, we learned… read more
Today Matt and I visited Tegbare id technical college. It is one of the few colleges in Ethiopia that offers… read more
Within the past few years Tegbare id has implemented an improvement system called the Kaizen system. In this system the… read more
At long last the day has finally come– we’re off on our trip to Addis Ababa (and eventually Jimma) Ethiopia! … read more
How do four interns working for just 10 weeks hope to build a comprehensive inventory of medical equipment in a… read more
This blog entry may be a little posthumous, but in the whirlwind of graduating and packing and leaving for Ethiopa… read more