Survey Monkey Seminar Prep

Tomorrow (June 27th) Matt and I are going to give a presentation on Survey Monkey (the online survey tool).  We are giving the presentation to a group of Master students and faculty.  The university wants to use Survey Monkey to keep in contact with students and assess how useful the university’s programs were.  In essence, Jimma University wants to create exit surveys similar to Rice’s (Rice makes all students take long exit surveys before they can graduate).

But before this can happen, both the faculty and the students need to learn how to make and answer online surveys.  To help things along, Matt and I are giving an interactive presentation/seminar on “How to Use Survey Monkey.”  We have a powerpoint presentation explaining how to create, distribute, and analyze surveys.  We are going to give the lecture in a computer lab.  So to ensure that they can apply what we teach, we are going to have them create, take, and analyze surveys.  It should be fun.